
Monday, March 26, 2012

I wish it was a Sunday

By Sweven Maiden

My favorite day of the week is Sunday. It says in the bible that Sunday is the day of the" Sabbath"; the day of rest after 6 days of work. Most people work 5 days a week, sucks if you have to work 6. But for most people who do work Monday to Friday, Saturday is when they socialize. This is usually the day spent with friends, shopping, movies, events and so on and so forth. But I believe most would agree with me that Sunday is when we get to spend time with our families. So most would rather just stay at home, for family movies, playing with kids, catching up with the rest of the household. Sunday has this cozy feeling to it, it's the day when everyone is given the license to get lazy. If you don't feel like cleaning your house, doing your homework (for students), running errands, it's OK. And this is why I wish it was a Sunday (always). This is the day when you can set aside any troubles, pressure at work or any issues in other areas of lives. Besides we have 6 other days to deal with those!

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