
About the Bloggers

Sunday Trio Loco

Most people would find that Sunday is the time for your self. The members of Sunday Trio Loco are people with regular jobs but have their own hobbies and interests. We would like to share our lives with you and inspire you to follow your dreams and have fun while doing it.

You may also be wondering why there are 4 members of Sunday Trio loco but we still call our group a trio. We are basically representing 3 topics. First is the topic of Twaddler boy that talks about Music, night life, social life and arts. Being a member of a band that is strugeling to have a career in the music world Twaddler boy is gifted with different talents and would like to find time to share them all. Aside from Music Twaddler boy is also into photography and is currently trying his luck into being an entrepreneur. Hugger Mugger is a dad and the big brother of the group. He is also into music and used to have a band as well, not tomention that he is crazy about gadgets. You would love to know about his daughters and how fun and hard it is to be a dad. Serene Apricty and Sweven Maiden will be discussing about Women and Fashion. They will be giving tips about being a woman. These two the typical filipina shy types. You can look forward to seeing them featuring their friends and giving you before and after make over results.

Please post you comments and suggestions so we can further improve our page. 

Hi there I am Twaddler Boy


         I graduated college last March 2011. I was a working student for 3 years because I started to live by on my own when I turned 19. I have a regular job and I am with the same company for almost 3 years now. Staying up late at night is something that I love to do and I’m lucky my job requires me to work graveyard shifts. There’s less traffic and I can stay away from the scorching sun in this humid tropical country.  

         As a young adult I have a lot of dreams and I envision myself fulfilling them wen I reach my 30’s lol. The problem is I have too many lol. One of them is to be a professional singer. I have always thought that I could sing since I was probably 8 years old.  The only songs I knew back then were the National anthem and a few Christmas carols. Unfortunately it stayed that way until the end of high school. I didn’t have enough confidence to develop that talent due to criticisms I received from some of my older relatives. They said I was out of tune, though I always knew they were wrong and they were the ones out of tune lol. My singing talent was first recognized when I auditioned for a Chinese singing contest at the University I was enrolled in. I was forced to audition together with 3 of my classmates because our foreign language teacher said we will get plus points in class. Knowing that I was failing that subject, I signed up and saw that there were already more than 200 students who auditioned before us.  My classmates and I were confident that we have our additional grades knowing our names are on the list and then we sang infront of a judge. Since there were so many, we were sure that most of them were good and one of them will be chosen not us which was a good thing lol. After a week I received a text message saying that among the students who auditioned I was the one chosen to represent my college (wow). I lost the competition lol because I forgot the lyrics, but of course it was in Mandarin lol. Some of my school mates saw me and one of them was forming a band. That was the start of my band career and a life of music and challenge. I will take you to my fun life, working a regular job but still fulfilling my dream of spending everyday as fun as Sunday.

by Twaddler Boy

Hugger Mugger Signing in

Family and Love of Gadgets

This is Hugger Mugger signing in. First and foremost I’m a dad of two lovely girls. I work full time and a part time slave in the corporate world. I’m a tech junkie, film buff and I also make music as a hobby. I like to tinker, mod and take apart any electronic device I get interested in. The first item I took apart when I was a kid was the very first Walkman that Sony made. It's actually a hand me down item from my brother. He broke it, then I opened it up and fixed it. It was first successful repair I made. After that I opened up lots of devices just take a peek on how it works.

My existence constantly revolves around technology and other things related to it. I won’t be blogging on how to take apart things, but I’ll be blogging about reviews for the latest tech gadgets, films and on how to balance life being a dad with my hobby.


Sweven Maiden and Serene Apricity: The Introduction

1. Sweven Maiden
 Hi there! I'm Sweven Maiden, one of the contributors here on sundaytrioloco. I thought you might want to know that I'm 30 year old and the oldest of the gang (ouch). I have a full time job and currently living alone. Unlike my friend twaddler boy who's a band singer, I don't really have real talent. I can't sing but I really love music. Majority of my music collection is RnB. I'd really love to learn how to dance but I can't! In college I  enrolled in "jazz dance'" for PE and was optimistic that it would help me learn how to dance. But I never learned! It's like my feet have their own minds and they won't do what I tell them to haha. But I do love writing

On this blog, I will be mostly writing about make up, fashion, or just any girl stuff along with my partner serene apricity. I fell in love with make up can you image after I turned 30! I guess it started when I got hooked on make up beauty gurus on Youtube, michellephan has got to be the culprit! I will be doing some make up tutorial, reviews and other stuff and I hope you like it!

by: Sweven Maiden

2. Serene Apricity

by: Serene Apricity

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