
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hugger Mugger Signing in.

by Hugger Mugger

This is Hugger Mugger signing in. First and foremost I’m a dad of two lovely girls. I work full time and a part time slave in the corporate world. I’m a tech junkie, film buff and I also make music as a hobby. I like to tinker, mod and take apart any electronic device I get interested in. The first item I took apart when I was a kid was the very first Walkman that Sony made. It's actually a hand me down item from my brother. He broke it, then I opened it up and fixed it. It was first successful repair I made. After that I opened up lots of devices just take a peek on how it works.

My existence constantly revolves around technology and other things related to it. I won’t be blogging on how to take apart things, but I’ll be blogging about reviews for the latest tech gadgets, films and on how to balance life being a dad with my hobby.

1 comment:

everydaysasunday said...

wow i like this this one i will look forward to. lol